11 Tips To Stop Shoes From Squeaking

how to stop leather shoes from squeaking

Are you tired of attracting unwanted attention because of that weird squeaky noise coming from your shoes? Read on for some great tips on how to stop shoes from squeaking.

Shoes play a huge role in our outlook, their colour, shape and style are representatives of our personality. This is why we often invest in good quality shoes which are comfortable to wear and also enhance our overall fashion statement.

Everyone loves different kinds of shoes like sneakers, pumps, stilettos and dress shoes. But nobody likes squeaky shoes.

Squeaky shoes are unflattering because they come off as unprofessional and sometimes just plain annoying. They also give the other person an impression that your shoe is not of good quality.

There are many remedies and tips available on online platforms such as Pinterest and Reddit which give viable solutions for squeaky shoes.

Before you decide to fix your squeaky shoes by yourself, it is advisable to verify that the remedies you plan on implementing come from a trustworthy source. Otherwise, you may risk causing further damage to your shoes.

Step 1: Check the Soles

A good reason why your shoes are making a squeaky noise could be the soles and inners. Usually brand-new soles make very squeaky sounds.

If it is indeed the sole that is the culprit in your case, try one of the following hacks:

Use Baby Powder

The friction caused by moisture between the soles and the bottom of your shoe can result in a squeaky noise.

You can sprinkle any brand of baby powder or talcum powder to absorb the excess moisture and reduce the friction within your shoe. This should help stop your shoes from squeaking.

Make sure you properly clean out your shoes after every use to keep them hygienic and use absorbent socks to reduce moisture as well.

If you don’t have talcum powder handy, just use cornstarch from your pantry as an urgent replacement.

Line with Paper Towels

If you don’t like the idea of powdering your shoes every day, a quicker fix might be to use a couple of folded paper towels under the insoles. This will help keep your soles in place and keep them from squeaking.

You can use dryer sheets or napkins in place of paper towels as well. Just make sure you replace them in a timely manner to keep your shoes from smelling.

Use Coconut Oil

Another quick trick you can use under the insoles of your shoes is to apply some coconut oil with a cotton ball. Use organic coconut oil if you can find it since it will be milder on your shoes than the synthetic variant.

Use a small amount of oil since you only need to create a thin layer to reduce friction. Adding too much coconut oil can result in the excess seeping through and destroying your socks or cause an uncomfortable sensation when walking.

how to stop shoes from squeaking on tile

Step 2: Check the Bottoms

Isn’t it terrible when you’re dressed up from head to toe, you step onto a tiled floor in a building and suddenly your shoes start squeaking?

If your shoe has slick bottoms, it can cause that squeaking noise to be made, especially when walking on tiles or hardwood floors. How can we stop shoes squeaking on tiles or linoleum?

Use Friction on the Bottom 

Just rub the bottoms of your shoes with dryer sheets a few times a week until this problem is resolved. If you feel like you want a quick fix, use 120-220 grit sandpaper and with a gentle yet firm hand, rough up the bottoms.

Loose Bottom

In the case of an older or lower quality shoe, the bottom might be coming off which may cause squeaking.

If you can’t get your shoe to a cobbler to get it fixed, try using super glue to attach the loose parts. Secure with some rubber bands for at least 24 hours to let the glue dry in place.

Step 3: Check the Outer Body

You might think your good old shoe is squeaking on surfaces such as on waxed floors just because of the material of the flooring. But some common culprits to these squeaky noises can be present on the outer surface of the shoes.

Use Saddle Soap or Conditioner

When laces on shoes rub against the tongue, your footwear starts crying out with every step. Rub some saddle soap or an appropriate conditioner to moisturize the tongue of the shoe and soften the sound.

Be sure to use the right type of conditioner for your shoe material, so as not to cause damage. You should repeat this step as and when needed because the conditioning will fade over time.

WD-40 for Squeaky Shoes

Is there any thing WD-40 cannot fix? No surprises that it can salvage your shoe noises too.

Just dip a cotton ball in WD-40 solution and apply it on the outside seams of your noisy shoes. Word of caution- never use WD-40 on suede shoes, it can damage them beyond repair.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why do my heels squeak when I walk?

Some common causes for squeaky heels can be:

  • You don't fit in them right or are wearing them barefoot
  • A new pair of heels that is taking some time to be broken in and adjust to your foot size
  • Squeaky heels which can be heard louder on hard floors
  • Moisture collected inside the shoe

Why do leather shoes squeak?

The basic reason why leather shoes squeak is because they aren’t moisturized or cared for properly. To answer the question on how to stop leather shoes from squeaking, read through the following tips:

  • Keep your leather shoes covered in a box to keep them from damage
  • Store your leather shoes in a cool dry place that has good ventilation and no moisture
  • Use saddle soap, a leather conditioner or a conditioning oil to regularly moisturize the outside of your leather shoes
how to stop shoes from squeaking on linoleum

Why are my Air forces squeaking?

Often the cause of squeaky Airforce shoes is the insole of your shoe. In few cases friction created by the tongue of the shoe causes squeaking too. Sometimes noticeable damage like holes in the fabric or the rubber can also cause squeaking.

How do I stop squeaking in my orthotic lined shoes?

An easy fix for shoes lined with orthotics that squeak, is talcum powder. Take out the orthotics and sprinkle ample of talcum powder in your shoe. The powder acts as a lubricant between the shoe and the orthotic, eliminates the squeaking sound.

What do squeaky shoes mean?

The fact that you own a pair of squeaky shoes could indicate the following:

  • You are wearing the wrong shoe size
  • Your shoes are not completely dry and have some moisture trapped inside
  • Your shoes have slick bottoms that need to be roughed up
  • The body or tongue of your shoes is dry and needs to be conditioned
  • The quality of your shoes is not very good and the bottoms may be coming loose

Can we spray chemicals on our shoes?

This is an absolute no-no! Never spray chemical solutions on your shoes no matter how enticing the process may seem.

Chemicals will cause more harm than clean your shoe or fix any issue with them. Only use dedicated shoe cleaning solutions purchased via a credible store or online.

WD 40 is only recommended when cleaning outer seems of the shoe. But remember to never use it on shoes made of suede.

As sturdy as our shoes may seem, they require gentle care. Use a clean piece of clothing damped with room temperature water to clean your shoes.


Shoes require constant upkeep and good care. Our fashion statements also need to be checked for wear and tear.

Good shoes are an investment, so just because they squeak is not a good reason for them to be thrown out since they can always be fixed.

Try some of the above-mentioned techniques to see if your squeaky shoes can be salvaged before your give up on them!

Just be careful when following home remedies to fix squeaky shoes and follow proper care instructions for materials such as suede and leather.

Taking good care of your shoes helps you not only prevent the squeaking but also helps in adding a few more years to their lifespan.

Do you own a pair of squeaky shoes? Tell me some funny stories related to your squeaky shoes in the comments. And as always, if you have any tips or suggestions for your fellow readers, drop them in the comments too!

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